List of US Pastoral Agencies
providing services with persons with disAbilities
last update: 2024-1-24
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
The Ministry with Persons with disabilities
Under the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, they "assist parishes in opening their doors to welcome persons with disabilities, and their families, into the full life of the Church." They also provide "consultation and formation opportunities" as well as many other resources available on their webpage.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
The Office for Persons with Disabilities
They foster "the full inclusion for people with disabilities... into the life of the church." From a retreat for adults with disabilities to parish contact programs and a help-line for intellectual disabilities and autism, this office provides and supports this and more.
Archdiocese of Washington
The Ministry for Persons with Disabilities provides many services including Special Needs catechesis, White Masses, and blindness awareness to name a few.
Diocese of Sacramento
Ministry for Catholics with DisAbilities
Providing support, consultations, and training for those who serve persons with disAbilities in catechesis. Their page includes a list of various online resources.