Virtual Workshops with Q & A and Consultation
With Jesus We Encounter Persons with disAbilities
Event: Arch/Diocesan Virtual Meetings
Date: Schedule your spot for 2024 & 2025 here
Time: 2 hour training plus 30 minutes for Q & A and Consultation
Who: PCLs, DREs, YMs, Pastoral Juvenil, admin personnel
Starting with an Awareness Prayer, we will explore people-first language when encountering persons with disAbilities in your parishes. We will have an opportunity to review guidelines and evaluate accessibility to the Sacraments. Together, we will experience networking and prayer moments as we facilitate the encounter with Jesus and our parishioners with disAbilities and their families.
Q &A and Consultation right after the workshop.
Saints, DisAbilities, and Eucharist
Event: Diocese of Fresno Congress 2024
Date: October 12, 2024
Time: 3:35 PM - 4:45 PM, PT
Who: DREs, PCLs, catechists, Youth Ministers, teachers
Are your sacramental celebrations including persons with disAbilities? Starting with an awareness prayer to the Holy Spirit, we delved into the revised edition of the Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities by the USCCB. We explored key points to celebrate each sacrament with persons with disAbilities with a main focus on Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. We looked into top FAQs and adaptive faith formation personal stories. A Marian walking prayer was our wrap up.
I offered this same workshop in Spanish the same day.
Accessible Parishes: Our Church with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Fresno Congress 2024
Date: October 11, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM - 10:40 AM, PT
Who: Admin personnel, teachers, DREs, CREs, PCLs
Is your parish truly accessible? After an awareness prayer, we will recognize the importance of people-first language when addressing persons with disAbilities. We explored accompaniment from different perspectives as the way to a truly accessible parish. Stories about different families with children with disAbilities lead us to explore that accessibility includes physical, catechetical, and liturgical accommodations along with the realization that we all are members of the Body of Christ. A commitment prayer to Our Lady was our wrap up.
Saints, DisAbilities, and Eucharist
Event: Diocese of Sacramento: Ministry Days 2024 Jornada Pastoral
Date: September 28, 2024
Time: 9:30 am - 10:30 pm PST (Session B1 workshop)
Who: DREs, PCLs, catechists, catholic teachers, parents, liturgists, youth ministers, and
those serving directly with persons with disAbilities
Starting with a prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist by one of our saints, we delved into key moments in the lives of different saints focusing on disAbilities as they encountered Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. As the saints realized the Eucharist was the center of their lives, we explored practical ways to also keep Jesus, Bread of Life, as the center of our lives. A list of multisensory ideas equipped all to engage and lead those you catechize to the Eucharist as center of their own lives. An adaptive litany of the saints served as a wrap up during our time together.
I offered this workshop in Spanish, too.
Prayer: An Interactive Approach
Event: Diocese of Santa Rosa, Diocesan Congress Day 2024
Date: September 20, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm - 1:30 pm (PST)
Who: Catholic school teachers (TK-2nd)
We came together to answer the universal call to prayer through an interactive approach. We started our time together with a prayer of thanksgiving with American Sign Language keywords. Drawing from Catholic tradition and the life of different saints to deepen our daily prayer life while teaching young students to do the same was a springboard to implement practical tools and activities to engage all senses and modalities. A prayer of praise with music and movement served as a wrap up.
Virtual Workshop
With Jesus We Encounter Persons with disAbilities
Event: Monthly OLA Region PCL Meeting - Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Date: April 4, 2024
Time: 10 am - 12 pm (PST)
Who: PCLs (OLA Region)
We explored people-first language when encountering persons with disAbilities in your parishes. We had an opportunity to review guidelines and evaluate accessibility to the Sacraments. We experienced together prayer moments as we facilitate the encounter with Jesus and our parishioners with disAbilities and their families.
WORKSHOP (available in Spanish only)
Retiros Parroquiales: Niños y Jóvenes con disCapacidades
Event: Archdiocese of Los Angeles: RECongress 2024
Date: February 17, 2024
Time: 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm (PST) workshop session 6-52
Who: DREs, PCLs, catechists, Catholic teachers, youth ministers, parents and those serving directly with persons with disAbilities
We participated of an adaptive trust prayer which will lead into practical ideas to plan and implement parish retreats with children and youth with disAbilities. During this workshop, we learned how to effectively involve parish staff, volunteers, and parents so that retreat participants have a meaningful experience. A prayer with keywords in American Sign Language served as a wrap up.
Virtual Workshop with Q &A and Consultation
With Jesus We Welcome All Disciples - DisAbilities and Special Needs
Event: Monthly Virtual Meeting - Diocese of Cleveland - Secretariat for Catechetical Formation
Date: December 13, 2023
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 pm (EST)
Who: DREs, PCLs, Youth Ministers, RCIA Directors, Confirmation Coordinators, and admin personnel
We explored people first language when encountering persons with disAbilities in our programs and parishes. We had an opportunity to review guidelines and evaluate accessibility to the Sacraments. We experienced together prayer moments as we facilitate the encounter with Jesus and our candidates and parishioners with disAbilities and their families. Register here.
Q & A and Consultation right after the workshop.
Sacramental Preparation for Children with disAbilities
Event: Resurrection Catholic Church, Santa Rosa, CA
Date: November 18, 2023
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm (PST)
Who: catechists, teachers, parents, and those serving directly with persons with disAbilities
It was a day of adaptive prayer, learning, hands-on activities, networking, and resources while facilitating the encounter with Jesus and persons with disAbilities. We experienced and practiced interactive modalities on adaptive catechesis and evangelization for our program, classroom, and home.
Catholic Schools:
Serving Students with disAbilities
Event: St. Chrysostome School; Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 1 pm to 3:30 pm (PST)
Who: Catholic school educators and administrators
Drawing from The Adaptive Teacher, we will explored multiple approaches to teach students with different abilities in the Catholic classroom. This day was sponsored by Loyola Press.
Saints and the Eucharist
Event: Archdiocese of San Francisco, Office of Faith Formation Conference 2023
Date: November 4, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm PST (Workshop D-01)
Certification Credit: Knowledge of Faith or Liturgical Life
Starting with a prayer to Jesus in the Eucharist by one of our saints, we delved into key moments in the lives of different saints as they encountered Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. As the saints realized the Eucharist was the center of their lives, we explored practical ways to also keep Jesus, Bread of Life, as the center of our lives. A list of multisensory ideas equipped us to engage and lead those we catechize to the Eucharist as center of their own lives. A litany of the saints served as a wrap up during our time together. Loyola Press sponsored this workshop.
Celebrating the Sacraments with Persons with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Fresno Congress 2023
Date: October 13, 2023
Time: 2:50 pm - 4:00 pm PST (Workshop Session 3.A)
Who: DREs, PCLs, Youth Ministers, RCIA Directors, Confirmation Coordinators, and Admin Personnel
Are your sacramental celebrations including persons with disAbilities? Starting with an awareness prayer to the Holy Spirit, we delved into the revised edition of the Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities by the USCCB. We explored key points to celebrate each sacrament with persons with disAbilities with a main focus on Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. We looked into top FAQs and adaptive faith formation personal stories. A Marian walking prayer was our wrap up.
Parish Retreats: Children and Youth with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Fresno Congress 2023
Date: October 14, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:10 pm PST (Workshop Session C.02)
Who: DREs, PCLs, catechists, catholic teachers, youth ministers, parents, and
those serving directly with persons with disAbilities
Participation of an adaptive trust prayer which will lead into practical ideas to plan and implement parish retreats with children and youth with disAbilities. During this workshop, we learned how to effectively involve parish staff, volunteers, and parents so that retreat participants have a meaningful experience. A prayer with keywords in American Sign Language was a wrap up.
I offered this workshop that same day in Spanish.
Jesus Welcomes All Disciples!
Event: St. Philomena Parish; Archdiocese of Los Angeles - Office of Religious Education
Date: September 29, 2023
Time: 9 am - 12 pm (PST)
Who: catechists, teachers, parents, and those serving directly with persons with disAbilities
It was a day of adaptive prayer, learning, hands-on activities, networking, and resources while facilitating the encounter with Jesus and persons with disAbilities. We experienced and practiced interactive modalities on adaptive catechesis and evangelization for our program, classroom, and home. Loyola Press sponsored this workshop. I presented this same workshop in Spanish the day before and that evening.
With Jesus We Welcome All Disciples
Event: St. John Vianney Parish; Archdiocese of Los Angeles - Office of Religious Education
Date: September 28, 2023
Time: 1 pm - 3 pm (PST)
Who: DREs, PCLs, Youth Ministers, RCIA Directors, Confirmation Coordinators, and admin personnel
We explored people first language when encountering persons with disAbilities in our programs and parishes. We had an opportunity to review guidelines and evaluate accessibility to the Sacraments. We experienced together prayer moments as we facilitate the encounter with Jesus and our candidates and parishioners with disAbilities and their families. Loyola Press sponsored this workshop.
Sensory-Friendly Celebrations:
Persons with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Sacramento: Ministry Days 2023 Jornada Pastoral
Date: September 23, 2023
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST (Session B3 workshop)
Who: DREs, PCLs, catechists, catholic teachers, parents, liturgists, youth ministers, and
those serving directly with persons with disAbilities
Opening with an awareness prayer, this session focused on making the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation accessible to persons with disAbilities and their families. We discovered how to implement sensory-friendly accommodations in parishes so every person has a meaningful participation. We learned about valuable resources available to prepare sensory-friendly Eucharistic celebrations and Reconciliation services. For closing, a sensory-friendly prayer.
I offered this workshop that same day in Spanish.
Catholic Schools:
Serving Students with disAbilities
Event: St. Chrysostome School; Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Date: August 28, 2023
Time: 9 am to 12:30 pm (PST)
Who: Catholic school educators and administrators
Drawing from The Adaptive Teacher, we explored multiple approaches to teach students with different abilities in the Catholic classroom. This day was sponsored by Loyola Press.
Asynchronous Session
Learning Modalities and Exceptional Learners in Catholic Settings
Event: NCEA 2023 Convention
Date: April 10-13, 2023
Time: asynchronous; on-demand library
Participation of an adaptive prayer integrating keywords in American Sign Language which will lead into learning about the different Learning Modalities. Learning on how to implement effective and practical recommendations as you teach and interact with exceptional learners in your classroom. A presentation of different resources on teaching exceptional learners was available for you. In closing, an adaptive prayer incorporating kinesthetic movements was a wrap up. Sponsored by Loyola Press.
Virtual Workshop with Q & A Session
With Jesus We Welcome All Disciples
Event: Archdiocese of Los Angeles - Office of Religious Education
Date: March 22, 2023
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm (PST)
Who: DREs, PCLs, Youth Ministers, RCIA Directors, Confirmation Coordinators, and admin personnel
We explored people first language when encountering persons with disAbilities in our programs and parishes. There was an opportunity to review guidelines and evaluate accessibility to the Sacraments. We experienced together prayer moments as we facilitate the encounter with Jesus and our candidates and parishioners with disAbilities and their families. Loyola Press sponsored this workshop.
Q & A Session right after the workshop.
Virtual Workshop
Jesus Welcomes All Disciples!
Event: Archdiocese of Los Angeles - Office of Religious Education
Date: March 23, 2023
Time: 7 pm - 9 pm (PST)
Who: catechists, teachers, parents, and those serving directly with persons with disAbilities
It was a day of adaptive prayer, learning, hands-on activities, networking, and resources while facilitating the encounter with Jesus and persons with disAbilities. We experienced and practiced interactive modalities on adaptive catechesis and evangelization for our program, classroom, and home. Loyola Press sponsored this workshop.
I presented this same workshop in Spanish the following day.
Diocesan Staff Training
Persons with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Austin - Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Date: March 1, 2023
Time: 9 am - 11 am (CST)
Starting with an awareness prayer integrating ASL, this training focused on Using People First Language, accessibility to the Sacraments and a quick review of the Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments. An Echoing Adaptive Prayer served as a conclusion. Loyola Press sponsored this training.
Interactive Formation Day
Serving Persons with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Austin - Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Date: February 28, 2023
Time: 1 pm - 3:30 pm (CST)
Starting with an adaptive prayer integrating ASL, this workshop focused on learning and hands-on activities for your program and classroom with persons with disAbilities. We learned about valuable resources available. An adaptive prayer with kinesthetic movements served as a conclusion. Loyola Press sponsored this formation day.
I presented in Spanish that evening.
The Eucharist for Children and Youth with disAbilities
Event: Archdiocese of Los Angeles: RECongress 2023
Date: February 24, 2023
Time: 10 am - 11:15 am (PT)
Starting with an adaptive prayer, this workshop focused on how to set up your program and classroom where children and youth with disAbilities have a meaningful participation in the Eucharist. We learned about valuable resources available when preparing a Sensory-friendly mass. A prayer with ASL keywords served as a conclusion. Loyola Press sponsored this workshop.
I presented this same workshop in Spanish the following day.
In the Religious Education Classroom with Persons with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Fresno: Diocesan Congress 2022
Date: October 8, 2022
Time: 3:35 pm - 4:45 pm (PT)
Participants participated of an adaptive prayer leading into exploring some practical ideas to implement in your own classroom as you serve our Church with disAbilities. During this workshop, participants learned how to incorporate effective practices for both in-person and digital classrooms along with many resources available. As a wrap up, we prayed incorporating American Sign Language.
I presented this same workshop that morning in Spanish.
Accessible Parishes for Our Church with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Fresno: Diocesan Congress 2022
Date: October 7, 2022
Time: 1:20 pm - 2:30 pm (PT)
Is your parish truly accessible? After an awareness prayer, we recognized the importance of people-first language when addressing persons with disAbilities. We explored accompaniment from different perspectives as the way to a truly accessible parish. Stories about different families with children with disAbilities lead us to explore that accessibility includes physical, catechetical, and liturgical accommodations along with the realization that we all are members of the Body of Christ. A commitment prayer to Our Lady was our wrap up.
The Eucharist
for Children and Youth with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Sacramento: Ministry Days 2022 Jornada Pastoral
Date: September 24, 2022
Time: 1:45 - 3:00 pm (PT)
This workshop focused on how to set up your program and classroom where children and youth with disAbilities have a meaningful participation in the Eucharist.
I offered this workshop that morning in Spanish.
Special Needs Conference
Tools for an Interactive Accompaniment
Event: Diocese of San Diego; Office for Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry
Date: July 21, 2022; at the Diocesan Pastoral Center; 9 am - 4 pm (PT)
Date: July 22, 2022; in Imperial Valley; 10am - 4 pm (PT)
It was a day filled with adaptive prayers, practical instruction, hands-on activities, local networking, resources and more. Loyola Press sponsored this event. Lunch was be provided.
I also presented this conference in Spanish on July 23.
Interactive Formation Day:
Serving Persons with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Fresno, Office of Formation and Evangelization
Date: July 9, 2022
Time: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm PT
Come to participate interactively of an adaptive prayer leading into practical ideas, exploration of Church documents, how to integrate ASL and music, resources, and more. As a wrap up, we will pray to Our Lady incorporating kinesthetic movements.
I'll be presenting this same workshop in Spanish that afternoon.
In the Religious Education Classroom
with Persons with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Bridgeport: The Institute for Catholic Formation
Date: May 25, 2022
Time: 7:30 pm ET / 4:30 pm PT
Participation included an adaptive prayer leading into exploring some practical ideas to implement in your own classroom as you serve our Church with disAbilities. During this workshop, you learned how to incorporate effective practices for both in-person and digital classrooms along with many resources available. As a wrap up, we prayed incorporating American Sign Language.
I presented this same workshop in Spanish the following day.
Welcoming Persons with disAbilities in Faith Formation
Event: Diocese of Sacramento
Date: November 17, 2021
Place: Pastoral Center
This was a free event when you registered here. Loyola Press sponsored this day of formation. This event was organized by the Ministry for Catholics with disAbilities which I am part of. I offered this same training in Spanish later that day.
Special Needs Workshop
Event: Diocese of San Diego-Office of Evangelization and Catechetical Ministry
Date: Oct. 29, 2020
Virtual Place: Zoom
Language: English
This was an interactive morning of learning, hands-on activities, networking, resources and prayer as we take up the continuous mission of engaging our special needs students in our presential, virtual, and hybrid programs. A list of supplies needed for the adaptive activities was provided upon registration.
This in-service was available in Spanish that evening.
Adaptive Catechesis and Evangelization:
Persons with disAbilites
Event: Diocese of Sacramento-Ministry Days 2020
Date: Sept. 26, 2020
Virtual Place: Zoom
Language: English
We began this session with a prayer incorporating American Sign Language. Examining the different definitions for disAbilities or exceptionalities, we realized the purpose this information serves in catechesis and evangelization. I demonstrated different adaptive activities for your ministry. To conclude, we prayed together with an adaptive praise song.
I offered this workshop in Spanish that morning.
Catechesis and Evangelization with Persons
with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of San Jose - Office of Faith Formation
Date: June 6, 2020
Virtual Place: Zoom
Language: English
We will start with a prayer integrating conscious breathing and Orans position. An insight about what the Catholic Church is challenging us to do as we take up the continuous mission of serving persons with disAbilities. Learn about the different learning modalities, and virtual options to apply to your own ministry. An invitation to discover and implement various activities and crafts using everyday supplies found at home. We will conclude with a prayer that incorporates American Sign Language.
Faith Formation for Special Needs: Basic Principles
Event: Diocese of San Jose: California Catholic Ministry Conference
Date: December 6, 2019
Place: San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA
I participated of the CaCMC by presenting this workshop which a focus on the Church documents that have shaped the catechesis and evangelization of persons with disAbilities. I also explained the different learning modalities, and talked about the many resources available for your Special Needs ministry.
I presented this workshop in Spanish the following day. These workshops were sponsored by Loyola Press.
On Working with Children with disAbilities:
Awareness and Strategies
Event: PD In-service, Deanery 16 Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Date: September 30, 2019
Place: St. John Chrysostom School, Inglewood, CA
Centered around prayer as to focus on the privilege of being a Catholic educator, we learned to integrate American Sign Language (ASL) in the classroom/school; looked through the Church document on persons with disAbilities; talked about exceptionalities and Gospel stories; reviewed the learning modalities and learning centers; and were aware of the different resources for our professional development.
This day was sponsored by Loyola Press.
Charity Towards Our Children with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Sacramento: Ministry Days 2019 Jornada Pastoral
Date: September 27, 2019
Place: St. Francis High School, Sacramento, CA
I presented this workshop during Ministry Days. We journeyed through the Sacred Scriptures, and our Catholic tradition as we took a look at some of the documents of the universal and national Church. We also explored practical suggestions that can we can apply to our life and ministry as we encounter our children with disAbilities.
I also be presented this workshop in Spanish the following day. It was sponsored by Loyola Press.
Co-responsibility in Serving
Our Children with disAbilities
Event: Diocese of Sacramento: Ministry Days 2019 Jornada Pastoral
Date: September 27, 2019
Place: St. Francis High School, Sacramento, CA
During this workshop, we familiarized ourselves with the celebration of the sacraments and catechetical programs for persons with disAbilities. We also learned about the different learning modalities, and how the saints were co-responsibly creative in catechizing those with greatest needs.
I also presented this workshop in Spanish the following day. It was sponsored by Loyola Press.