I met a dad with his 8 year-old boy who likes sandwich cookies, and has already made his First Communion. His ability? Using American Sign Language to communicate.

I had a student who loved biking very fast down any slope, and was the oldest in her family. Her ability? Sharing her charming smile with everyone.

I also met a young adult who is part of his parish choir, and likes his mom’s burritos. His ability? Being bilingual in both English and Spanish.

I know a little girl who loves talking to people, and exploring new places. Her ability? Bringing joy to her parents
Coming from different stages in my life, the people from the examples all have a diagnosed disAbility. Where you thinking of that as you were reading about them? I advocate for them so we can see beyond their disAbilities, and recognize their abilities which, more than not, resemble ours! I advocate for them so we can learn to smile back at them making them part of our lives. I advocate for them so we can tell others that we all are children of God.
Let us pray: Holy Trinity, may we also be One with our brothers and sisters with disAbilities as You are One. Amen.
Go deeper: Memorize the following: “There can be no separate Church for persons with disabilities.” (Welcome and Justice for Persons with Disabilities, 1)